May 26Liked by Suzanne Scacca

I had three cavities, with two in the side of two back teeth, which I didn't know was a thing. I also had receding gums and no dental insurance and no money. I was a broke entrepreneur, trying to get off the ground. I brushed twice a day with regular toothpaste and decided there must be something wrong with the entire dental industry if at the age of 30, regular brushing wasn't working to keep my teeth healthy AND the fact that when I was in grade one, the school brought in a dentist and I needed three fillings in my teeth at age six in my new big teeth, but didn't need anymore for another 20+ years, or maybe I had some student dentists hungry for some experience that decided I was a easy and compliant target. So I said screw it and stopped using abrasive toothpaste and started brushing with 3% grocery-store hydrogen peroxide twice a day and nothing else. Within a very short time (I forget and I wasn't paying attention) all three cavities healed up. I noticed over time that my gums stopped receding and started to look really healthy. I also thought to myself when I brought my daughter to the dentist, why they would be wanting to put mercury fillings in her tooth. They actually pulled one of her baby teeth, which caused her adult tooth to become impacted and the cost would be over 10,000 for an orthodontist to "fix" it, but as I did the research, moving teeth like that is a really bad idea because it causes all kinds of issues from gingivitis to root absorption and loss of teeth later on, and you have wear a retainer from then on so they don't move back. Anyway, we pulled the impacted tooth and her teeth look straight, if somewhat misaligned on the bottom, but no future problems due to bad medicine. The point is that peroxide works better than toothpaste IMO. I'm 56 years old now and I still have no issues. That's 26 years later. My daughter doesn't have any mercury in here teeth. I had my three mercury fillings removed in Mexico. I suspect peroxide foams up in the pours of the teeth and into the gum line, unlike toothpaste that likely fills these places with wax, making a haven for bacteria to grow. So that's my story. I'm not a dentist or doctor, but then again I don't put mercury in children's teeth and I don't inject known toxins into kids and call them "vaccines", so I trust my intuition more than I trust an industry that keeps people sick for profit - Big pharma.. same for pets and their so-called vaccines that keep veterinarian pockets filled too.

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No need to qualify that you're not a doctor. I think that's what's gotten us to where we are in society today. Too many people put faith and trust in that title. I am much more likely to believe and trust experiences like yours since they're based on intuition and actual observation, not just repeating whatever was in a textbook. Or being pushed by third party companies who just want to make more money off of forever patients and sick people.

So I appreciate you sharing your story with me! I'm going to try switching to a natural toothpaste alternative. I'll give the peroxide a try. Someone else on here was saying they created a clay mixture, so I'm going to give that a shot as well.

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May 23Liked by Suzanne Scacca

I've come to the opinion that most dental procedures are unnecessary and are often causing harm. I haven't had my teeth cleaned in 20 years. I suspect that getting your teeth cleaned leads to having to keep getting your teeth cleaned (like with hair-washing - the more you do it, the more you have to do it). I make my own toothpaste and have a high degree of skepticism about dental advice. Too bad we don't know more. This field needs a paradigm shift. We know the body can be healthy and thrive without invasive intervention. Thanks for your article!

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That is a great analogy!

What do you put in your toothpaste, by the way? I recently tried switching to Bite (https://bitetoothpastebits.com/) and really don't like it. It makes my teeth feel super gritty and I'm constantly finding small bits of it in my teeth long after brushing.

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May 24Liked by Suzanne Scacca

I change it up each batch, but mostly it's a combination of clay, activated charcoal, salt, essential oils and coconut oil. Sometimes I add pearl powder or xylitol. It's really great.

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May 21Liked by Suzanne Scacca

I go twice a year to local junior college with a community dental hygiene clinic. Students do great work!

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May 17Liked by Suzanne Scacca

Lots has changed for sure....

I am appreciative for all the good health guidance over the years it seems selfish to keep such simple decent solutions to the self...

Happy to share!

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May 17Liked by Suzanne Scacca

Ah fuck.

When I was in my teens I was dumb and stupid. Suffered a massive oral trauma in which i broke my jaw in the places and blew out most of my teeth.

Years, I mean YEARS of debtal reconstruction. None of my teeth are alive, everyone that is original in my mouth has been root canal. I have a series of implants too, two of which failed a few years back and caused a large infection in my lower jaw, needless to say had those replaced and the bone grafted, etc.

Easily 40-50k on my mouth since my teens. I am now 40 and know I am facing a lifetime of ongoing BS with my teeth and oral health.

I can only image my health impacts.

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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine what you've been through. I had a friend in college who claimed she had genetically bad teeth. So she went to the local dentistry school where they recommended that she have every tooth extracted and replaced with an implant. The process took about six months to complete and it was rife with complications, infections, etc.

I'd recommend watching that documentary if you have a chance. It'll probably scare you to hear what this guy went through with just one root canal, but it might lead you down a path to improving your oral health or otherwise.

Dr. Mercola is in the documentary. Just for a second, but he's there. So I'm wondering if he has recommendations on how to fix major disruption to the mouth like that. Another reader just turned me onto a Substack that digs deeper into this topic. It looks like he's actually writing a book about it -- https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/281-judas-dentistry.

I'd suggest checking out that post and then looking through the comments. A lot of people have stories about turning to holistic or biologic dentists. Perhaps that'll give you some relief? Probably not on your wallet since insurance carriers would never cover something that actually helps you, but it might lessen how much work and maintenance you need done in the future.

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May 18Liked by Suzanne Scacca

I have seen the documentary and I'll admit it was a bit disheartening considered of my past experience.

I plan on having bioresonance done to determine to what extent exactly my oral taxidermy is affecting my health. Had of known the things I do now at that time I would have opted for full removal of teeth and zero implants. Minds you this all happened in my teenage years and from a social perspective at that age I doubt I would have opted for no teeth.lol

I will absolutely check out the article.

I am happy to report that Ihaven't been to a dentist in a number of years! I would rather go the route of Castaway dentistry on the fly rather than be subjected to the barbaric practice I've come to know as "modern dentistry".

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Vitamin C

Rinse after brushing with 1 teaspoon H2O2 to 4 oz water


Brush teeth every other week with your favorite toothpaste dipped in baking soda

Suggestions from my wonderful dental hygienist who saved my teeth and money.

Use those little plastic thingy's with the floss attached to clean between the teeth BEFORE rinsing with the H2O2 mixture.

It will allow the cleanser to get in and up under the gums to disinfect and allow blood to flow to the nerves/ tooth allow the tooth to stay alive

-been following her advice for 20 years now.

All the best to you.

No more potty mouth!

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I've also heard that oil pulling and gargling with salt water helps. I'll add your suggestions to the list!

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May 16Liked by Suzanne Scacca

Yes, I think it's coconut oil...

Salt water is good disinfectant as well...

Happy to share what is simple and WORKS!

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Out of curiosity: Where did you find this hygienist? Was it just at a regular dentist's office? I have never once had any hygienist or dentist give me practical, all-natural tips for dental care at home. It's always just been, "Come back in six months!".

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May 17Liked by Suzanne Scacca

Suzanna, several years ago... like 20! I also was having gum receding issues she asked if I took any anti/depressants...

and shoed me an article from dental journal on hoe certain meds affect body tissues and gums are tissue... I changed meds.. and have followed her guidance since then.

It was a 'normal' dentist office prior to 2005 or so where insurances and such forced many medical professionals into groups...

The same time my lovely family GP warned me of changes to come and chose early retirement...

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Wow! That's wonderful you stumbled upon such honest and decent medical pros. I feel like that sort of thing just does not exist today. I don't know if it's all the incentives they get from Big Pharma, the brainwashing from med school, or the egregious amount of money they make, but it's impossible to find anyone who actually cares about the health of their patient.

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May 16Liked by Suzanne Scacca

Excellently written, Suzanne. I have come to the same conclusion recently. Another marvelous resource that is full of vitriol, good information, and advice is Dr Robert Yoho’s “Judas Dentistry.” I recommend his Substack and other books as well. Cheers 🥂

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Thank you for the recommendation! I've only just started down this rabbit hole, so I definitely need more reading material.

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Nice summary.

Dental treatment has also become life-threatening:


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